Strategic Plan

Millersburg’s strategic plan was developed by a committee of 15 citizens at the request of the Millersburg City Council and was adopted in July of 2016. The plan was updated in 2019. The update included reforming the original plan to address the change from a Council-Mayor to Council-Manager form of government. Also new to the 2019 plan is a City Mission and Vision statements based on the plan’s original principle; in addition, City Values adopted by Council were included.

The Strategic Plan is considered a living document; the annual Budget, Capital Improvement Program, and Millersburg Priority Task List (Gantt Chart) serve as reporting and implementation documents in support of the Strategic Plan. In addition, the City's Comprehensive Plan, Development Code, Transportation System Plan, Water System Master Plan, Sanitary Sewer System Master Plan, Storm Water Master Plan, Parks Master Plan, Municipal Code, Policies and Procedures, and related planning documents all support the Strategic Plan.

While the City's mission, vision, values, and strategic priorities should remain constant, the goals and objectives may require periodic review and update.